Interactive Displays: Engaging Your Customers Like Never Before

Interactive Display

Interactive displays have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. These displays offer a new level of engagement for customers and can help businesses stand out from their competitors. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using interactive displays and provide some examples of businesses that have successfully used this technology.

Interactive displays offer a range of benefits for businesses. First and foremost, they provide a unique and engaging experience for customers. Interactive displays allow customers to interact with products or services in a way that is not possible with traditional displays. For example, a clothing retailer could use an interactive display to allow customers to try on different outfits virtually, while a car dealership could use a touchscreen display to let customers customize their vehicle.

In addition to providing a more engaging experience, interactive displays can also help businesses collect valuable data about their customers. By tracking how customers interact with the displays, businesses can gain insights into their preferences and behavior. This data can then be used to inform marketing and sales strategies, as well as product development.

Another benefit of using interactive displays is that they can save businesses time and money. For example, a self-service kiosk can allow customers to place orders or make payments without the need for a staff member to assist them. This can free up staff members to focus on other tasks and reduce wait times for customers.

Floor-standing Kiosk

So, how have businesses successfully used interactive displays? Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • McDonald’s – In recent years, McDonald’s has installed touchscreen kiosks in many of its restaurants. These kiosks allow customers to place their orders and customize their meals in a way that was not possible with traditional menu boards. Not only does this provide a more engaging experience for customers, but it also speeds up the ordering process and reduces the chance of errors.
  • Sephora – Sephora, a cosmetics retailer, has installed interactive displays in some of its stores that allow customers to try on makeup virtually. These displays use augmented reality technology to create a realistic image of the customer wearing the makeup. This not only provides a fun and engaging experience for customers, but it also helps them make more informed purchasing decisions.
  • Tesla – Tesla has taken advantage of interactive displays to allow customers to customize their vehicles. In Tesla showrooms, customers can use touchscreen displays to select different features and options for their cars. This not only provides a unique and engaging experience for customers, but it also helps them make more informed purchasing decisions.

In conclusion, interactive displays offer a range of benefits for businesses, from providing a more engaging experience for customers to collecting valuable data and saving time and money. By using this technology creatively, businesses can stand out from their competitors and provide a memorable experience for their customers.